Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 1 May 2022

1. Purpose

1.1. Policy: Theresa Lim Design Limited’s (trading as “Miss Lim”) (we, us, our) privacy policy (Privacy Policy) applies to all users of the Website and should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use.

1.2. Purpose: The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to let Users of the Website (you and your) know when we collect personal data and what we do with it. We do not use, share or transfer personal data except as set out in this Privacy Policy. When we talk about “personal data”, we are referring to information that identifies you as an individual or relates to an identifiable individual.

1.3. Defined terms: Where a defined term is used in this Privacy Policy but that term is not defined in this Privacy Policy, then such term will have the meaning given to it in the Terms of Use.

1.4. Compliance: We comply with the Privacy Act 1993 (Privacy Act). For information about the Privacy Act and how it protects the personal information of individuals in New Zealand, please click here for the Privacy Act.

2. Data collection

2.1. No disclosure required: Some parts of the Website may be viewed without the need for you to disclose any personal information to us.

2.2. Registered User: Some parts of the Website may require you to become a registered user before you can access those parts. In order to become a Registered User, we may either:

(a) require that you complete the online registration form (including as part of purchasing products from us) which requires that you disclose a limited amount of personal data; or

(b) use previously collected personal data from you for this purpose.

2.3. Types of data we collect: We may collect, store and use the following types of data about you from the Website:

(a) personal data about you, provided by you previously for this purpose, or at the time of subscribing as a Registered User, which includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, date of birth, email address, credit-card information/payment details, and any other such personal information that you provide to us through your dealings with us; and

(b) aggregate technical information, which tracks traffic to the Website, which includes, but is not limited to, your device identifier, server address, IP address, domain (whether you are accessing the Website from New Zealand or elsewhere), the platform you are using, browsers used when accessing the Website (including version), your search terms, pages accessed on the Website, links that are clicked on, date and time of Website visits, your operating systems, and any other such technical information relating to your use of the Website.

2.4. Sources of data collection: We may collect and hold personal data about you from the following sources:

(a) directly, through your use of the Website, when you are prompted to provide information to us;

(b) indirectly, through your use of the Website, including by automated technologies and interactions;

(c) through cookies (see clause 5 below) and Google analytics (see clause 5.4 below); and

(d) provided by third parties authorised by you.

2.5. Services unavailable: Failure to provide necessary personal information when requested may result in certain services on this Website or other services that we offer not being available to you.

3. Disclosures of your data

3.1. Disclosure: We will not disclose personal data we hold about you to any third party except as set out in this Privacy Policy, where we have informed you we will be doing so at the time of collection of the personal data, and/or as otherwise authorised by you.

3.2. Service providers: We work with third party service providers who provide hosting, maintenance, backup, storage, infrastructure, payment processing, analysis, marketing, delivery, logistics, and other services for us, which may require them to access information about you. If a service provider needs to access information about you to perform services on our behalf, they do so under instruction from us, including abiding by policies and procedures designed to protect your information. Some of these service providers may be located in countries other than yours or ours.

3.3. Legal obligations: We may share information about you with a third party if we believe that sharing is reasonably necessary to:

(a) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, including to meet national security requirements, and our service providers may also do this;

(b) enforce our agreements, policies and terms;

(c) protect the Intellectual Property Rights of any person;

(d) protect the security or integrity of the Website and our related services; or

(e) protect us, you or the public from harm or illegal activities.

4. Use of your data

4.1. We process and use the data we collect for the following purposes:

(a) to hold your personal data on our system and to contact you as necessary including:

i. to enable you to access and use our Website;

ii. to enable you to benefit from the services made available through, or referred to on, our Website;

iii. to send periodic emails you have subscribed to through your nominated email address or mobile text messages;

iv. to respond to any queries and/or comments you have sent to us; and

v. to investigate any complaints relating to the misuse of the Website or its functionality;

(b) to allow us to administer and manage your access to our Website, including verifying your identity and assisting you if you forget your user ID and/or password (if you are a Registered User);

(c) to monitor, develop and improve the Website and ensure that Content on the Website is relevant, of interest to you and presented in the most effective manner for you;

(d) to inform you about upcoming offers, products or activities;

(e) to update and maintain our records, including details of people that have accessed our systems;

(f) for future marketing, promotional and publicity purposes, including to carry out direct marketing, market research and surveys;

(g) to administer any other services;

(h) we may, from time to time, anonymise data and use it in a manner in which you cannot be identified so we can understand how our Website is used and/or for service development or research; and

(i) for any other purpose that you authorise.

5. Cookies and tracking

5.1. Cookies: We may use a "cookie" file, tracking pixels and other related technologies containing information that can identify the computer, smartphone or other web–enabled device that you are working from.

5.2. Usage: We may use the information generated by cookies, tracking pixels and other related technologies to:

(a) track traffic patterns to and from the Website including information like the pages you visit, the time you spend on each page, the date and time of your visit, and referring pages (pages you came from or go to);

(b) enable you to enter the Website and use certain services as a Registered User without having to log on each time and to visit Registered User only areas of the Website.

5.3. Turn-off cookies: The browsers of most computers, smartphones and other web–enabled devices are usually set up to accept cookies. If your browser preferences allow it, you can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when cookies are set. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn about how to change your cookie preferences. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use the Website in general, but you may need them for any customisable areas that we have now or in the future. Please remember that cookies are often used to enable and improve certain functions on our Website. If you choose to switch certain cookies off, it may affect how the Website works and you may not be able to access all or parts of the Website.

5.4. Google Analytics: We may use Google Analytics website measurement software and systems to assist in tracking traffic patterns to and from our Website, aggregating anonymous information about visits to our Website, and randomly and anonymously surveying users of our Website. The system is used to collect information on our network such as the number of page views, the number of unique visitors, how long these visitors spend on the Website when they do visit, and common entry and exit points into and from the Website. Random anonymous surveys may also be used to collect further information about you. This non-personal information is aggregated using Google Analytics and then used by us in our analysis of the Website. The Google Analytics data is also accessible by media organisations and research companies for the purpose of conducting industry comparisons with other websites. All our pages are coded with a small piece of Google Analytics code that is transparent to you when you read that page. The software stores a cookie in your browser (if you have enabled cookies) which contains a unique identifier to allow us to track the number of unique visitors to the Website. This information is collected and aggregated by Google Analytics and in no way can you be identified personally and no personal information is stored about you. For details of Google Analytics’ privacy policy, click here.

6. Linking and third-party websites

6.1. Linked sites: The contents of the Website may include links to other third-party websites (Linked Sites). The Linked Sites are provided to you as a convenience and/or a courtesy, and the inclusion of any link does not imply our endorsement of the Linked Sites or any association by us with their business or owners. We are not responsible for the data protection/privacy/cookie usage policies of any Linked Sites and those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as us. We recommend that you check any relevant privacy policies of such Linked Sites before providing your personal data to any third party.

7. Security

7.1. While we use reasonable safeguards to protect your personal information against theft, loss or unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure or disposal, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit or receive through the Website. These activities are conducted at your own risk.

8. Opting in and Opting Out:

8.1. Changes: If our intended collection, use or disclosure of your personal data is outside the collection, use or disclosure set out in this Privacy Policy we will give you the option to:

(a) opt out and not receive certain services or participate in certain interactive areas; or

(b) opt in to agree to be contacted by us in relation to certain matters such as notification of new features to the Website and/or promotional activities.

8.2. Unsubscribe: You may opt out of receiving certain types of communications from us by utilising the unsubscribe function in communications sent to you. Any emails we send will also always contain a link at the bottom enabling you to edit your email setting or be removed from our general mailing list. If you elect not to receive emails or ask to be removed from a mailing list, we may still send you emails where it is necessary to provide you with details of any transactions you have completed via the Website, or changes to our services or the way the membership or Website is to operate.

9. Holding, accessing and correcting

9.1. Where is your information held?: Any personal data that you provide to us will be collected and held by us and/or on the servers of the provider that we use to host our Website.

9.2. Rights of Access: Under the Privacy Act, you have rights of access to and correction of personal information that we hold.

9.3. Access: You have the right to request access to your personal data. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

9.4. Correction: You have the right to request correction of any of your personal information provided to us, at any time and as often as necessary. We rely on you to update or correct your personal information whenever necessary. You may correct or change your personal information at any time and as often as necessary and we may provide Registered Users the ability to do this through functionality on the Website. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected or updated.

9.5. Contact us: If you would like to access the personal data relating to you that we have stored, or to request correction of such personal data, or if you have any concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

9.6. Cost: You will not usually have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). We may charge a reasonable fee where permitted by law if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.

9.7. Verifying identity: We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

9.8. Privacy Commissioner: If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner:

(a) Office of the Privacy Commissioner

PO Box 10-094

Wellington 6143

New Zealand

Phone: + 64 4 474 7590

(b) Enquiries Line: 0800 803 909

(c) Email:

10. Changes to Privacy Policy

10.1. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy (Amendments) at any time. Any Amendments will be posted on this page on the Website (and the “last updated” date will be updated). By continuing to access the Website, you agree to be bound by the Amendments. We recommend you regularly review this Privacy Policy to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.